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Tasmanian Biosecurity Advisories

Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania

Latest Advisories

Subscribing to get Biosecurity Tasmania Advisories is the best way you can keep yourself up-to-date and fully informed about Tasmanian biosecurity issues. Our Advisories cover topics such as changes or proposed changes to Tasmania’s import regulations, animal health and welfare, plant health, forthcoming regulation reviews and opportunities for public comment, new or emerging pest/disease risks and a range of other matters related to Tasmania’s biosecurity.

181 advisories found for Timber+imports.

Biosecurity Advisory 33/2024 - Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards Nominations Extended

​Biosecurity Tasmania has extended the nomination window for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards. Nominations will now close on Monday 30 September 2024. This extended nomination period ensures that everyone has the chance to nominate an individual or business that has significantly contributed to the biosecurity system in Tasmania.

The awards spotlight outstanding biosecurity projects and initiatives, and represent a platform to reinforce, recognise and promote positive biosecurity behavioural change in our industries and the Tasmanian community. They are an opportunity to recognise those in our communities and industries who have gone above and beyond to help protect our environment, primary industries and economy.

To make a nomination, visit before Monday 30 September.​

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 32/2024 - Celebrating the Inaugural National Biosecurity Week

​Australia’s first National Biosecurity Week is on from 26–30 August 2024.

National Biosecurity Week aims to highlight the collaborative efforts of government, industry and the community to safeguard Australia. It’s an opportunity to raise biosecurity awareness and encourage the adoption of good biosecurity practices.

National Biosecurity Week, which will be held in the last week of August each year, will also provide a valuable educational platform with the aim of fostering a culture of shared responsibility and proactive biosecurity management.

For more information and to find out what events are happening during National Biosecurity Week, or to register your own event no matter how big or small, visit

Biosecurity Tasmania works to protect Tasmania’s public health and wellbeing, primary industries and environment, from the negative impacts of pests, weeds and diseases. Biosecurity is a shared responsibility though, and we all have a role to play in protecting the state from biosecurity threats. It’s our general biosecurity duty.

If you know a biosecurity champion that deserves recognition, don’t forget to nominate them for a Tasmanian Biosecurity Award! The Awards acknowledge individuals, groups and organisations for their significant contribution to biosecurity in Tasmania. Nominations close 31 August 2024. To find out more, or to submit a nomination visit

Our way of life is worth protecting. Biosecurity starts with you.

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife; Information for Bass Strait Islands;

Biosecurity Advisory 30/2024 - Nominations for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards close on 31 August

​There are only two weeks left to submit your nominations for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards. The awards recognise outstanding biosecurity projects and represent a platform to reinforce, recognise and promote positive biosecurity behavioural change in the industry and community.

This is an opportunity to recognise those in our communities and industries who have gone above and beyond to help protect our future.

Biosecurity is foundational to the economic, social, and environmental assets of Tasmania and we all share the benefits of our strong biosecurity system. It underpins our multi-billion-dollar agri-food production and export industries, and protects our unique natural wilderness areas that have immeasurable value to all Tasmanians and also visitors to our state.

The awards comprise of two categories, one being the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award and the other the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award.

Last year the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award was won by Robyn Lewis and the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award by Nic Hansen.

Robyn won for her outstanding management of biosecurity threats to the Milford Forest property, an important ecological site for a number of endemic and endangered species.

Nic was recognised for his contribution and assistance during the 2018 fruit fly incursion in Tasmania and the successful emergency response and eradication that followed.

If you or someone you know has personally contributed towards improving biosecurity in Tasmania, or if they are part of an organisation or group, you can place a nomination today.

More information about the awards and nominations can be found at

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 24/2024 - Nominations for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards are now open

​​The awards recognise outstanding biosecurity projects and represent a platform to reinforce, recognise and promote positive biosecurity behavioural change in the industry and community.

This is an opportunity to recognise those in our communities and industries who have gone above and beyond to help protect our future.

Biosecurity is foundational to the economic, social, and environmental assets of Tasmania and we all share the benefits of our strong biosecurity system.

It underpins our multi-billion-dollar agri-food production and export industries, and protects our unique natural wilderness areas that have immeasurable value to all Tasmanians and also visitors to our state.

The awards comprise of two categories, one being the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award and the other the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award.

Last year the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award was won by Robyn Lewis and the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award by Nic Hansen.

Robyn won for her outstanding management of biosecurity threats to the Milford Forest property, an important ecological site for a number of endemic and endangered species.

Nic was recognised for his contribution and assistance during the 2018 fruit fly incursion in Tasmania and the successful emergency response and eradication that followed.

If you or someone you know has personally contributed towards improving biosecurity in Tasmania, or if they are part of an organisation or group, you can place a nomination today.

More information about the awards and nominations can be found at

Categories: Horticulture; Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 17/2024 - Biosecurity Advisory Category Added For Bass Strait Islands

Biosecurity Tasmania has added a new category to the Tasmanian biosecurity advisories service​, titled “Information for the Bass Strait islands”. This category is intended to provide biosecurity information for communities on King Island, Flinders Island, and other offshore Islands in the Bass Strait. It may also be used to share information and updates on biosecurity projects and other work undertaken by Biosecurity Tasmania in these areas.

Members of the public already subscribed to the service who want to receive information and updates relating to the Bass Strait islands will need to update their preferences. This can be done by following the steps below:
  • click on ‘update subscription’ at the bottom of this email
  • tick the box for ‘Information for Bass Strat Islands’
  • click ‘save’
Your preferences will be updated, and you will receive all future relevant biosecurity advisories.

To view all Tasmanian biosecurity advisories, visit

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 13/ 2024 - Small hive beetle response a success

​Effective from 22 April 2024, Tasmania’s small hive beetle response activities have ceased. Thanks to the success of the response, the previously declared General Biosecurity Direction (small hive beetle) and the associated Bee Movement Restriction Area (BMRA) have now been revoked.

Following the detection of small hive beetle in the East Devonport area in March 2023, Biosecurity Tasmania responded quickly, working alongside beekeepers, industry and the community to protect the health of Tasmania’s bee population as well as our honey and pollination sectors. 

Extensive surveillance activities, including thousands of beehive and trap inspections, have been ongoing within the BMRA. Biosecurity Tasmania concluded the final round of inspections in March 2024.
Biosecurity Tasmania sincerely acknowledges the cooperation from beekeepers, industry and the community during this emergency response.

Small hive beetle is a European honeybee pest that is present in all Australian states except the Northern Territory and Tasmania. All Tasmanian beekeepers are asked to remain vigilant for any signs or pests or disease, and report anything unusual to Biosecurity Tasmania on (03) 6165 3777.

For more information visit

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Tasmanian Biosecurity Advisory 12/2024 - Restrictions on importing aquatic ‘moss balls’ into Tasmania

‘Marimo’ or ‘moss balls’ (Aegagropila linnaei Kützing) are an aquatic plant usually sold through the aquarium trade as a novelty item for fish tanks or display freshwater ponds.

Moss balls are listed as a prohibited item for import into Tasmania. They can be invasive and present a significant biosecurity threat if they were to establish in Tasmania’s natural freshwater lagoons and highland lake and river ecosystems.  

Particularly concerning is the potential that this organism can carry other very harmful, invasive organisms like didymo (Didymosphenia geminata)​. Also known as rock snot, didymo is also a prohibited import item in Tasmania. 

If you are involved in the aquarium industry as a trader, breeder, retail outlet or hobbyist, you have an important role in preventing the introduction and spread of marine pests in Tasmanian waters. 

Here are some important things to remember about being a responsible aquarium supplies provider or aquarium owner:
  • Check that you are not importing or bringing back into Tasmania prohibited plant or animal species.
  • Never release aquarium fish into any waterways.
  • Do not dispose of aquarium tank water or sick fish into stormwater or street drains.
  • Ensure outdoor fishponds cannot overflow into creeks or into storm water drains.
  • Seek advice on keeping a healthy aquarium and if you suspect a serious disease, contact your veterinarian or Biosecurity Tasmania.
We all have a general biosecurity duty to protect Tasmanian from the adverse impacts of pests, weeds and diseases.
If you are aware of anyone selling ‘marimo’ or ‘moss balls’ in an aquarium shop or who has them already in a fish tank or freshwater pond, please contact Biosecurity Tasmania immediately.

Call Biosecurity Tasmania on 03 6165 3777 or email 

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 11/2024 - Report European paper wasp sightings

​Do you know the difference between regular European Wasps & European paper wasps?

They look similar but there are a few key differences, especially their size and antennae colour. European paper wasps are about 1.5-2.5 cm long, yellow and black in colour with orange antennae. They are thinner than European wasps, with slightly different yellow and black markings.

In areas where they become established, European paper wasps can become a public nuisance because of the intensity of their painful sting. They also have potential environmental impacts by feeding on native insects and competing with native species for nectar.

In contrast to European w​​asps, which have been established in Tasmania for over 60 years, European paper wasps are a Declared Pest under the Biosecurity Act 2019. Biosecurity Tasmania has recently identified and removed two paper wasp nests in Devonport and Latrobe. Further paper wasp detections in the area suggest there may be one or more nests that have not yet been located. Biosecurity Tasmania would like to hear from any residents who think they may have seen a nest or other signs of European paper wasp activity. ​

WARNING: European paper wasps sting. Do not disturb nests or provoke wasps in any way.

Learn more about European paper wasps at, and contact Biosecurity Tasmania to report signs of European paper wasp at or call (03) 6165 3777.​

Categories: Cropping; Gene technology; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Natural environment; Plant pests; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 10/2024 - Release of 2024 edition of the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania

​On 29 March 2024 (Good Friday), Biosecurity Tasmania will release a 2024 edition of the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania (version 1).

The new edition includes but is not limited to the following revisions:

  • Updates to the general import conditions around alternative treatment standards (see Section 2.8). Now, if importing plants or plant products under an alternative treatment standard, an Individual Permit is required. An Individual Permit is also required for product certified under a Phytosanitary Certificate.
  • To ensure imported tissue cultures meet required standards, commercial facilities must now be endorsed by Biosecurity Tasmania prior to consigning to Tasmania (see Section 2.10). A new application form will be available on the NRE website from 29 March 2024. Non-commercial operators wanting to send tissue culture to Tasmania can apply for an Individual Permit if they meet the import conditions in clause I of Section 2.10.
  • Inclusion of cacao (Theobroma cacao) as a Mediterranean fruit fly host in Schedule 1A of this Manual;
  • Incorporation of recent changes to the schedule of host products that can be treated for Queensland fruit fly with methyl bromide fumigation under Import Requirement (IR) 2. This now excludes mangoes and plums from treatment;
  • An important change to Import Requirement 10 (IR10) relating to the import of grape matter (vines and other products) from States holding Pest Area Freedom certificates for grape phylloxera. For such States, grape matter (of any form) is no longer exempt from the treatment conditions specified in IR10 for grape matter originating from any recognised Phylloxera (management) Exclusion Zone.
  • Minor changes to requirements for the import of animal feed grain (IR 30), and seed for sowing (IR 36) to bring greater clarity on what is and is not accepted as contaminants in those products, and their tolerance limits;
  • The addition of a 24-month validity period for Statement of Seed Analyses in IR36.
  • Seed weighing less than 1kg being imported for the purposes of research or trials, can no longer be imported under the small weight seed imports condition in IR36 and can only be imported with an Individual Permit.
  • Re-inclusion of some requirements in IR46 that were erroneously removed for tomato potato psyllid and the import of any carrier host fresh fruit and vegetables with green material when harvested and packed in the field, and not a packhouse;
  • Removal of the Appendices previously held in this Manual which provided listings of prohibited pests, declared pests, and restricted matter. Such lists can now only be found from a single point of truth – the online Tasmanian Biosecurity Compendium.

You can find the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania 2023 edition version 2 on our website and the new version from Friday 29 March 2024.

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports;

Biosecurity Advisory 09/2024 - Seasonal Biosecurity Compliance Reports

​Biosecurity Tasmania has commenced publishing seasonal compliance activities undertaken by Authorised Officers, in accordance with several pieces of legislation covering Tasmania's biosecurity system.

The Seasonal Compliance Reporting provides a summary of key compliance actions undertaken by Biosecurity Tasmania based on the Compliance and Enforcement Framework.  There are numerous other compliance activities undertaken including education and support activities to encourage voluntary compliance, responses to complaints and a range of other audits and inspections which are not captured in these reports.

Areas covered by biosecurity legislation include plant biosecurity, animal biosecurity and welfare, invasive species (including cat management) and product integrity (including food safety, agricultural and veterinary chemical use and traceability).

Biosecurity Tasmania applies a graduated and proportionate approach to the application of compliance and enforcement actions, that include:

  • Educational outcomes
  • Cautionary outcomes
  • Application of sanctions such as suspension or cancellation of permits or approvals
  • Biosecurity Detection Notices (BDNs)
  • Prescribed Infringement Notices (PIN)
  • Prosecutions

Several factors are considered when determining the appropriate response ranging from the nature, impact, intent and severity of the allegation to evidence of criminality for more serious offences. This ensures the most proportionate and consistent compliance or enforcement response is taken in any incident.

The recently published Spring 2023 compliance reporting can be viewed on the Biosecurity Tasmania website at​ecurity/seasonal-biosecurity-compliance-report.

The reports will be published quarterly and will be made available on this webpage.​

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

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