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Tasmanian Biosecurity Advisories

Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania

Latest Advisories

Subscribing to get Biosecurity Tasmania Advisories is the best way you can keep yourself up-to-date and fully informed about Tasmanian biosecurity issues. Our Advisories cover topics such as changes or proposed changes to Tasmania’s import regulations, animal health and welfare, plant health, forthcoming regulation reviews and opportunities for public comment, new or emerging pest/disease risks and a range of other matters related to Tasmania’s biosecurity.

296 advisories found for Policy+and+Legislation.

Biosecurity Advisory 3/2025 - New Livestock Traceabilty Regulations and Requirements

New Biosecurity Livestock Traceability Regulations
New Biosecurity (Livestock Traceability) Regulations 2024 (the Regulations) developed by Biosecurity Tasmania (BT) were gazetted on 11 December 2024.

The Regulations are supported by a set of new Tasmanian Standards for the Identification of Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Pigs that are published on the Department of Natural Resources and Environment website. The Standards detail the legal requirements for the correct identification of livestock, including the use of National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) devices, brands, and earmarks.

Fact sheets have also been developed to support the Regulations and outline how people can meet their compliance requirements under the new Regulations.

The enactment of the new Regulations will allow for the repeal of the Animal Brands and Movement Act 1984 and General Biosecurity Direction (Livestock Traceability) (03/22).

Biosecurity Tasmania sought feedback from stakeholders on the new Regulations in 2024.

Information about the new Regulations can be found on the Biosecurity (Livestock Traceability) Regulations 2024 webpage.

Updated electronic identification (eID) requirements for sheep, goats and bobby calves

The new Regulations include the need for individual animal identification through modernised eID tagging requirements for:

  • Sheep and goats born on or after 1 January 2025 that move off property, and
  • Bobby calves that leave their property of birth to go directly to slaughter at Tasmanian Quality Meats (TQM).

From 1 January 2025, these animals must be fitted with an Electronic Identification Device (eID).

The eIDs are National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) approved tags that contain a microchip which provides a unique electronic identification of an animal.
The elD system:

  • allows enhanced biosecurity management as individual animals can be traced more accurately and efficiently,
  • allows us to quickly respond and recover from emergency animal disease outbreaks,
  • improves consumer confidence in animal products,
  • strengthens market access, and
  • enhances herd monitoring and management.

Industry support schemes have been developed to help producers to transition to eID tags for sheep, goats and bobby calves.

Information about eID requirements and support for sheep and goats can be found on the BT Sheep and Goat eID webpage.  

Information about eID requirements and support for bobby calves can be found on the BT Bobby Calf eID webpage.

Categories: Animal welfare; Animals (general); Livestock; Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 2/2025 - Emergency General Biosecurity Direction for European Honey Bees and Associated Products - Renewal January 2025

​Due to the presence of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) in New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria, the Tasmanian Chief Plant Protection Officer has put in place an extension to the General Biosecurity Direction (Emergency), to prevent the introduction of this honey bee parasite into Tasmania.

This Direction takes effect as of 12.01am on Tuesday 7 January 2025 and remains in effect for six (6) months, unless it is revoked earlier. It prohibits the import into Tasmania of any:

  • European honey bee (Apis mellifera); or
  • Any animal product produced by, or from, a European honey bee other than commercially produced bee products such as honey filtered to a maximum 2 mm pore size and melted refined beeswax, or another process approved by the Chief Plant Protection Officer; or
  • Any used beekeeping equipment; or
  • Any other thing that may reasonably be suspected of being a carrier of bees, or any pest or disease that may affect bees.

While this General Biosecurity Direction (Emergency) remains in place, producers will need to continue sourcing queen bees from within Tasmania. A copy of the General Biosecurity Direction (Emergency) is available at 

Biosecurity Tasmania is currently completing a varroa mite Import Risk Analysis (IRA). The outcomes of this work will inform the development of future phytosanitary measures related to varroa mite, which will be captured in the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania in late 2025. More information about the IRA methodology can be found at

More information about varroa mite can be found on the NRE Tas website at

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 1/2025 - Cat Management Facility Support for the North-West and West Coasts of Tasmania

​Grant opportunities are now open for a new cat management facility or facilities on the North-West and West Coast of Tasmania.

The grant program will be delivered to the successful applicant for a facility or facilities.

The total funding available is $500,000 and may be provided to one or more applicants, depending on the solution/s offered.

Applications will be accepted from a person or organisation seeking to support cat management in communities in the North-West and West Coasts by establishing and operating a cat management facility.

The grant opens on Monday 6 January 2025 and closes Friday 21 February 2025.

Details of the grant, including eligibility and how to apply, can be found on the Biosecurity Tasmania Invasive Species webpage

Categories: Invasive Species; Natural environment; Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 40/2024 - Public consultation extended for Tasmanian dog welfare reforms

​The Tasmanian Government has extended the public consultation period for proposed reforms to the laws that regulate and control dogs in Tasmania until 17 January 2025.

The review ensures contemporary and enforceable welfare outcomes for dogs in Tasmania.

The review is in response to:

  • public concern about puppy farms, and
  • feedback from animal welfare officers about the current legislation.

Proposed changes will affect the Dog Control Act 2000, Animal Welfare (Dogs) Regulations 2016, and Guidelines.

If you wish to make comments on the draft Discussion Paper you can do so by visting and using the online form before 5pm on Friday 17 January 2025. Late submissions cannot be considered.

Categories: Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 39/2024 - Current Calicivirus Situation in Tasmania

​Until recently there had been an Australia-wide shortage of calicivirus, however the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania has now been able to secure a supply of calicivirus.

Calicivirus is a biological control agent strategically used by Biosecurity Tasmania to assist landholders manage wild rabbit populations. Calicivirus releases usually occur during autumn when environmental conditions are favourable, to ensure effective use of the virus.

Calicivirus should only be released in drier months, when grass has dried off and rabbits have stopped breeding, to avoid levels of immunity developing in young rabbits.

Biosecurity Tasmania will continue to monitor conditions for a suitable time to release calicivirus. However, it is unlikely that calicivirus releases can occur until autumn 2025.  

Landholders are responsible for the control of rabbits on their land and there are a variety of management options available. There are resources available online to assist in planning a rabbit control program.

To support landholders to control the increased rabbit populations, Biosecurity Tasmania staff are available to work directly with landholders to develop rabbit management programs for their property.

Information regarding rabbit control and how to develop a rabbit control program is available on our website at

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Natural environment; Pasture; Policy and Legislation; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 38/2024 - Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards 2024 - Winners Announced

​Champions of Tasmania's biosecurity have been recognised at the second annual Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards, held last week on National Agriculture day.

The awards comprise two categories, the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award and the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award, and recognise those who have made a significant contribution to maintaining and improving biosecurity systems in Tasmania.

The recipient of the 2024 Community Biosecurity Award is Bettina Elischer, an employee at the Office of the Governor at Government House Tasmania, for her outstanding contribution to the Tasmanian beekeeping community and the Biosecurity Tasmania statewide bee pest surveillance program. 

Bees were reintroduced at the Government House Tasmania Estate in 2015 and have been managed since then to improve horticultural pollination onsite. One hive is also used as a 'sentinel' hive for Biosecurity Tasmania surveillance activities. Bettina has also promoted the importance of biosecurity in beekeeping through educational workshops and bee pest training days. 

Just Cats Inc. were also recognised for their community education about stray and feral cats, and the success of multiple initiatives aimed at reducing the impact of stray cats and promoting responsible cat ownership.

TasPorts were the winners of the Industry Biosecurity Award for the work by their Environment and Sustainability Team to increase awareness and knowledge of biosecurity threats at their ports. TasPorts has developed educational and reference material tailored to each port, workshopped biosecurity threats and reporting pathways with operational staff, and conducted follow-up inspections and verifications to ensure compliance. 

More information about the annual Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards is available at

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 37/2024 - Public Consultation open for Potatoes, Myrtle Rust and Grape Phylloxera Import Risk Analyses

​The Plant Biosecurity and Diagnostics Branch within Biosecurity Tasmania has completed three Import Risks Analysis (IRA). These IRAs cover two key plant pests of concern to Tasmania (myrtle rust and grape phylloxera), and Tasmania’s first plant commodity level IRA (covering potatoes). The IRAs examine the biosecurity risk along a number of import pathways into the state and whether Tasmania’s Appropriate Level of Protection of ‘very low’ is met.

Recommendations are made in each IRA which would see changes to how some goods are allowed to enter Tasmania. 

Each of these IRAs are now open for public consultation, with consultation to close at 5pm on 25 November 2024.

To review and comment on the Draft Import Risk Analysis for Potato please visit ​​​​​​​Public Consultation - Import Risk Analysis Potato Imports | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania to review and comment on the Draft Import Risk Analysis for Myrtle Rust please visit Public Consultation - Draft Import Risk Analysis for Myrtle Rust | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania
To review and comment on Draft Import Risk Analysis for Import Requirement 10 - Grape Phylloxera (Hosts and Vectors) please visit Public Consultation - Draft Import Risk Analysis for Import Requirement 10 - Grape Phylloxera - (Hosts and Vectors) | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania

All written submissions can be sent to

All submissions will be treated as public information and be published online following the close of consultation unless it is clearly indicated that your submission is to remain confidential. Please note that for published submissions, no personal or contact information will be published other than an individual’s and/or organisation’s name.  

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Natural environment; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds;

Biosecurity Advisory 35/2024 - Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus in South Australia

​South Australia’s Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) continues to respond to a detection of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV). The virus has been detected on three properties in the Northern Adelaide Plains region and response activities are underway, with samples for testing taken from other properties identified through tracing.

PIRSA is working closely with the affected businesses to manage the outbreak and has implemented movement controls and quarantine measures with the infected properties to manage the risk of the virus spreading and minimise cross contamination.

ToBRFV has not been detected in any other jurisdiction outside of South Australia, including Tasmania. Biosecurity Tasmania is working with PIRSA and other interstate biosecurity agencies to trace any seeds or plant material from the properties that may have moved interstate.

ToBRFV is a highly contagious plant virus that affects tomatoes, capsicums and chillies. It was first detected in the Middle East in 2015 and has since been reported in Europe, China, Mexico and the USA. The detections in South Australia are the first time that the virus has been confirmed in Australia. 

Infected plants show symptoms such as mosaic patterns, yellowing and deformities on leaves, while fruits develop brown wrinkled spots, deformations and uneven ripening. These symptoms result in reduced yield and marketability. 

The virus has no known effects on human health.

To further protect Tasmanian industries and home gardens, Biosecurity Tasmania’s Chief Plant Protection Officer has put in place an emergency biosecurity direction to prevent the movement of ToBRFV host plants or plant materials from areas known to be infected with the virus. 

This emergency biosecurity direction is in addition to the movement controls that PIRSA has already put in place at infected properties in South Australia. The emergency biosecurity direction can be viewed at 

As Tasmanians start planning to plant or sow tomato plants or seedlings, we encourage all gardeners to be regularly looking for unusual pests or disease in your garden and continue to source quality seed or seedlings from reputable suppliers and nurseries. These actions will support you in protecting your property and garden from exotic diseases, as well as Tasmania’s many primary producers. 

Report anything unusual immediately to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881 or contact us at 

For further information about the detections in South Australia visit

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds;

Biosecurity Advisory 34/2024 - Public Consultation Now Open: APVMA Paraquat Review – Proposed Decisions

​The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has completed a review of paraquat product approvals, product registrations and label approvals that will vary the current conditions for these products. Information on the proposed changes and rationale underpinning them is available from the APVMA.

Paraquat is the active ingredient in a number of widely used and strictly regulated herbicide products (e.g. Gramoxone) used across the agricultural sector to control grasses and other weeds.

Public consultation on these proposed decisions is open now, and closes on 29 October 2024. For further information and to make a submission visit

Submissions will be published on the APVMA website, unless requested for the submission to remain confidential. However, all submissions will be considered by the APVMA prior to finalisation of this reconsideration. Submissions or requests for further information can be sent to:

Chemical Review
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
GPO Box 3262
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: +61 2 6770 2400

Additional resources:
Paraquat and diquat uses – summary of assessment outcomes in proposed regulatory decision
Paraquat Review Technical Report​

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Natural environment; Pasture; Seeds; Policy and Legislation; Wildlife; Plant diseases; Plant pests;

Biosecurity Advisory 33/2024 - Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards Nominations Extended

​Biosecurity Tasmania has extended the nomination window for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards. Nominations will now close on Monday 30 September 2024. This extended nomination period ensures that everyone has the chance to nominate an individual or business that has significantly contributed to the biosecurity system in Tasmania.

The awards spotlight outstanding biosecurity projects and initiatives, and represent a platform to reinforce, recognise and promote positive biosecurity behavioural change in our industries and the Tasmanian community. They are an opportunity to recognise those in our communities and industries who have gone above and beyond to help protect our environment, primary industries and economy.

To make a nomination, visit before Monday 30 September.​

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

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