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Tasmanian Biosecurity Advisories

Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania

Latest Advisories

Subscribing to get Biosecurity Tasmania Advisories is the best way you can keep yourself up-to-date and fully informed about Tasmanian biosecurity issues. Our Advisories cover topics such as changes or proposed changes to Tasmania’s import regulations, animal health and welfare, plant health, forthcoming regulation reviews and opportunities for public comment, new or emerging pest/disease risks and a range of other matters related to Tasmania’s biosecurity.

283 advisories found for Pasture.

Biosecurity Advisory 33/2024 - Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards Nominations Extended

​Biosecurity Tasmania has extended the nomination window for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards. Nominations will now close on Monday 30 September 2024. This extended nomination period ensures that everyone has the chance to nominate an individual or business that has significantly contributed to the biosecurity system in Tasmania.

The awards spotlight outstanding biosecurity projects and initiatives, and represent a platform to reinforce, recognise and promote positive biosecurity behavioural change in our industries and the Tasmanian community. They are an opportunity to recognise those in our communities and industries who have gone above and beyond to help protect our environment, primary industries and economy.

To make a nomination, visit before Monday 30 September.​

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 32/2024 - Celebrating the Inaugural National Biosecurity Week

​Australia’s first National Biosecurity Week is on from 26–30 August 2024.

National Biosecurity Week aims to highlight the collaborative efforts of government, industry and the community to safeguard Australia. It’s an opportunity to raise biosecurity awareness and encourage the adoption of good biosecurity practices.

National Biosecurity Week, which will be held in the last week of August each year, will also provide a valuable educational platform with the aim of fostering a culture of shared responsibility and proactive biosecurity management.

For more information and to find out what events are happening during National Biosecurity Week, or to register your own event no matter how big or small, visit

Biosecurity Tasmania works to protect Tasmania’s public health and wellbeing, primary industries and environment, from the negative impacts of pests, weeds and diseases. Biosecurity is a shared responsibility though, and we all have a role to play in protecting the state from biosecurity threats. It’s our general biosecurity duty.

If you know a biosecurity champion that deserves recognition, don’t forget to nominate them for a Tasmanian Biosecurity Award! The Awards acknowledge individuals, groups and organisations for their significant contribution to biosecurity in Tasmania. Nominations close 31 August 2024. To find out more, or to submit a nomination visit

Our way of life is worth protecting. Biosecurity starts with you.

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife; Information for Bass Strait Islands;

Biosecurity Advisory 30/2024 - Nominations for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards close on 31 August

​There are only two weeks left to submit your nominations for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards. The awards recognise outstanding biosecurity projects and represent a platform to reinforce, recognise and promote positive biosecurity behavioural change in the industry and community.

This is an opportunity to recognise those in our communities and industries who have gone above and beyond to help protect our future.

Biosecurity is foundational to the economic, social, and environmental assets of Tasmania and we all share the benefits of our strong biosecurity system. It underpins our multi-billion-dollar agri-food production and export industries, and protects our unique natural wilderness areas that have immeasurable value to all Tasmanians and also visitors to our state.

The awards comprise of two categories, one being the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award and the other the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award.

Last year the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award was won by Robyn Lewis and the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award by Nic Hansen.

Robyn won for her outstanding management of biosecurity threats to the Milford Forest property, an important ecological site for a number of endemic and endangered species.

Nic was recognised for his contribution and assistance during the 2018 fruit fly incursion in Tasmania and the successful emergency response and eradication that followed.

If you or someone you know has personally contributed towards improving biosecurity in Tasmania, or if they are part of an organisation or group, you can place a nomination today.

More information about the awards and nominations can be found at

Categories: Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 27/2024 - Determining our national established weed priorities: Step 1 now open!

​​Biosecurity Tasmania is involved with the National Established Weed Priorities (NEWP) which is a collaborative initiative to determine and address weed priorities through nationally coordinated actions. NEWP is an initiative of the Environment and Invasives Committee (EIC), guided by a steering group of national representatives.

NEWP’s objective is to reduce the further spread and impacts of established weeds across Australia. 

Weeds have a major impact on Australia’s agricultural productivity, imposing a cost of nearly $4.3 billion across Australia each year. They also adversely impact our natural environment, cultural values, human health and community spaces.

Now is your opportunity to help determine national established weed priorities. 

Through this nomination process for nationally significant weeds, the EIC are seeking to identify non-native weeds that:
  • ​cause the most significant impacts (current and potential) on Australia’s natural environment, agricultural productivity, cultural values or community spaces
  • have feasible management options to reduce these impacts
  • have stakeholder support and clear benefits for taking a nationally coordinated approach to containing the species’ spread and improving its management.
The process
Before applying, make sure you’ve read the Guide to nominating a nationally significant weed​ that explains the process. The EOI is the first step in the process. 

To be eligible, the weed must:
  • ​be a single species or a small group of closely related species that are similar in life-form and management requirements
  • not be native to Australia
  • not be under national eradication
  • established in at least one state or territory
Prior weed nominations, such as through the Weed Biocontrol or Weed Scan projects will not be considered for this process. An EOI is needed for NEWP consideration. 

The EOI period is open until 9 pm (AEST), 20 September 2024.

For more information please visit National Established Weed Priorities (NEWP) or contact the NEWP Project Team on to learn more.

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 26/2024 - Public Consultation extended for the Draft Biosecurity (Livestock Traceability) Regulations

​Biosecurity Tasmania has extended the consultation period for the draft Biosecurity (Livestock Traceability) Regulations (the Regulations) for an additional week. The public consultation period will now remain open until 5pm on Wednesday 14 August.

The draft Regulations have been developed under the Biosecurity Act 2019 and detail requirements on how to identify cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs via a set of animal identification standards which will be published on the NRE Tas website. Other areas included in the Regulations include:

  • Property Identification Codes (PICs)
  • Identification of livestock
  • Requirements for livestock owners and supply chain participants
  • Tasmanian and national livestock registers

If you wish to make comments on the Regulations you can do so by visiting www.nre.tas​​ and using the online form before 5pm on Wednesday 14 August 2024. Late submissions cannot be considered.

Categories: Information for Bass Strait Islands; Livestock; Pasture; Natural environment; Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 25/2024 - IMPORTANT - Consultation Period Extended for Tasmania's Action Plan for Varroa Mite 2024-2034

​The consultation period for Tasmania’s Action Plan for Varroa Mite has been extended to ensure that all interested parties have sufficient time to provide fulsome feedback on the plan. 

The consultation period will now end on Friday 23 August 2024.

The draft plan is available on our website here

To submit feedback please email

If you would like to register for a meeting to discuss the plan, please contact Plant Biosecurity and Diagnostics branch or call 03 6165 3777

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Pasture; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 24/2024 - Nominations for the 2024 Tasmanian Biosecurity Awards are now open

​​The awards recognise outstanding biosecurity projects and represent a platform to reinforce, recognise and promote positive biosecurity behavioural change in the industry and community.

This is an opportunity to recognise those in our communities and industries who have gone above and beyond to help protect our future.

Biosecurity is foundational to the economic, social, and environmental assets of Tasmania and we all share the benefits of our strong biosecurity system.

It underpins our multi-billion-dollar agri-food production and export industries, and protects our unique natural wilderness areas that have immeasurable value to all Tasmanians and also visitors to our state.

The awards comprise of two categories, one being the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award and the other the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award.

Last year the Tasmanian Community Biosecurity Award was won by Robyn Lewis and the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award by Nic Hansen.

Robyn won for her outstanding management of biosecurity threats to the Milford Forest property, an important ecological site for a number of endemic and endangered species.

Nic was recognised for his contribution and assistance during the 2018 fruit fly incursion in Tasmania and the successful emergency response and eradication that followed.

If you or someone you know has personally contributed towards improving biosecurity in Tasmania, or if they are part of an organisation or group, you can place a nomination today.

More information about the awards and nominations can be found at

Categories: Horticulture; Cropping; Freshwater pests; Gene technology; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Marine pests; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant diseases; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Seeds; Timber imports; Wildlife;

Biosecurity Advisory 22/2024 - *RE-ISSUED with updated link - Draft Biosecurity (Livestock Traceability) Regulations – Public Consultation Now Open

​The draft Biosecurity (Livestock Traceability) Regulations (the Regulations) are open for public comment.

The draft Regulations have been developed under the Biosecurity Act 2019 and include the following key areas:

• Property Identification Codes (PICs)

• Identification of livestock

• Requirements for livestock owners and supply chain participants

• Tasmanian and national livestock registers

The new Regulations provide a framework that enable some obligations to be met via subordinate documents. Detailed requirements on how to identify cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs will be outlined in a set of animal identification standards which will be published on the NRE Tas website. The standards are given a head of power via clause 15 of the new Regulations.

The draft Regulations, animal identification standards, and accompanying information guide can be viewed at

The consultation period will run from 5pm on Wednesday 26 June to 5pm on Wednesday 7 August 2024, AEST. We welcome submissions on the draft Regulations through our online ​form​​. Alternatively, you can provide a written submission. Written submissions can emailed to or posted to:

Primary Produce Traceability
Biosecurity Tasmania
13 St Johns Avenue
New Town Tas 7008​​

Late submissions will not be considered. 

Once submissions are received, we will analyse the feedback and provide recommendations to the Minister for Primary Industries and Water on the final Regulations. As part of the consultation process, we may publish submissions on the Department website. Anonymous submissions can be made. 

Questions about the draft Regulations or the public consultation process can be sent to​

Categories: Information for Bass Strait Islands; Livestock; Natural environment; Pasture; Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 21/2024 - Tasmania's Action Plan for Varroa Mite 2024-2034

​Biosecurity Tasmania has developed an Action Plan to keep Tasmania free of varroa mite. This plan is a draft for consultation and we invite interested parties to provide feedback on the plan by Friday 26th July 2024. The draft action plan has 5 key focus areas including:

  1. Prevention: Maintain and improve activities to reduce the risk of varroa mite entry into Tasmania.
  2. Detection: Assess and upgrade varroa mite detection capabilities in border inspection and post-border surveillance activities.
  3. Response: Build enhanced capacity to rapidly respond to varroa mite detections.
  4. Combined Actions: Develop actions that contribute to at least two of the core actions of prevention, detection, or response.
  5. Plan B: Minimise the impacts of varroa mite if it were to establish.

The draft plan is available on our website on the Varroa mite page
To submit feedback please email
If you would like to register for a meeting to discuss the plan please contact Plant Biosecurity and Diagnostics branch or call 03 6165 3777

Categories: Cropping; Horticulture; Invasive Species; Pasture; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation;

Biosecurity Advisory 20/2024 - Release of the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan Achievements 2017-2022 report

​​The Tasmanian Cat Management Plan Achievements 2017-2022 report has been released. The report outlines the key achievements by cat management stakeholders across Tasmania against the strategic objectives of the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan 2017-2022 (the Plan).  

The Plan, which has been supported by a State Government investment of $360,000 per annum, announced in the 2017-18 Budget, recognises that cat management in Tasmania is a shared responsibility and outlines a strategic framework for encouraging responsible cat ownership and reducing the impacts of cats on the environment and agriculture now and into the future.  

Legislative amendments were introduced in March 2022, backed by an additional investment of $350,000 by the State Government for implementation, to strengthen Tasmania’s cat management regulatory framework to better support responsible cat ownership and protection of private property from cats.   

Three regional cat management coordinators have been funded by the State Government to foster collaboration between the State, councils, cat management facilities, and other relevant stakeholders to spread awareness and increase participation in cat management across the state.     

To enhance public education and engagement, the highly successful TassieCat campaign has been implemented, utilising various media platforms to promote responsible cat ownership and management resulting in increased public interest, support, and participation in cat management initiatives.  

In addition, a number of successful local cat control programs have been initiated by Tasmanian municipal councils and cat management facilities in response to community concerns around stray, domestic and feral cats.   

A new Tasmanian Cat Management Plan 2024-2029 is currently in development by NRE Tas in consultation with key stakeholders. The new Plan, to be released later this year, will provide a revised framework for cat management in Tasmania for the next five years that incorporates the experiences and knowledge gained during the implementation of the current Plan. NRE Tas will seek feedback from the public on a draft of the new Plan prior to its release.  

For more information and for a copy of the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan Achievements 2017-2022 report visit the NRE Tas website: ​

Categories: Cropping; Information for Bass Strait Islands; Invasive Species; Livestock; Natural environment; Pasture; Plant pests; Policy and Legislation; Wildlife;

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